It’s very red. But don’t be afraid.
A lot has happened. New website, new books, and another sale, 30-70% OFF. Clair Gunther studio visit. Angela Fanche comic interview.
It’s very red. But don’t be afraid. Ellen Plant and Stephen Z Hayes created a couple fun videos on how to use our new site. I love it.
We have 4 new titles available for presale right now. Buy them together at a discount via Big Ticket, or individually. We’ll be adding digital versions at a later date. Video shot and edited by Parinda Mai @theoryofamind
—Compact Magazine ed. by Stephen Z Hayes, Raighne
—Parc by Jul Gordon
—The Necrophilic Landscape by Morgan Vogel
—Frozengirl by Iku Kawaguchi
I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention that WE’RE HAVING A SALE RIGHT NOW… 30-70% OFF MOST OF THE SITE (but not everything). And if you’re hard pressed for what to start with, my friend Katherine Dee (who has a new piece in Compact Magazine), AKA Default Friend has a recommendation:
A lot has happened…
When we teased Big Ticket back in January (i think?) of this year, it was a different line up. Lale Westvind, Tara Booth, Nuie, and a completely different version of the first issue of our magazine. These titles aren’t going away. They’ll be a part of Big Ticket 2, which we will launch early next year. And they’ll launch with Compact Magazine 2.
In early February of this year our distributor dropped us. This created a giant logistical problem. 20K units of inventory needing a new home and an $11,000 price tag in getting them there (old distributor / new warehouse fees). One of the planned titles for the year had a print cost of $15,000. We could not afford both to move warehouses and print it. Which necessitated focusing on smaller titles first. The 4 new titles we have coming out in the spring of 2023 cost about the same price as the $15,000 title planned for the second half of the year.
There was also an urgency in coming up with around $8K for the first leg of this move (on top of other business and living costs). At the time that I had this bill from the distributor, I had $37 to my name. Insane. But did 2 40 day clinical trials at the start of the year and got that squared away.
Spent the summer mentally recovering from some of that. Seeing friends and figuring out what I want from life. Plotting out the next few years. Went on a road trip with Mai. Visited Morgan Vogel’s mom Kate with Blaise and Stephen. Got to see Liza and Michel again prior to leaving.
Had a small social for my 40th. Justin Skarhus of Entropy Editions, who I’ve known for something like 25 years, visited. Time’s passage. Crazy. He’s one of my oldest friends. Was great seeing him again. Casey Carsel, our operations director from our team in 2020 was also in town. Was great catching up with her, she’s such a delight. Betsy Ellison, a phenomenal artist and friend, got to meet her for the first time in-person and showed her some Morgan Vogel originals. Matt Davis of Perfectly Acceptable — who I don’t get to see as much now that we live in different parts of Chicago. Miss that guy. Maggie Umber and her boyfriend Sean stopped by, loved seeing them however briefly. Gave them a piece of honey cake that Mai bought. Gina Wynbrandt and her boyfriend Carl stopped by too. Miss those cuties as well. Gina always cracks me up. And my roommates and friends, Ash. H.G, fantastic artist, who has some work in our new magazine (and a gorgeous book with us down the line), and Stephen Z Hayes, the other publisher at the label. Stephen and I have been working diligently on this new 2dcloud. Bringing it back. Not to be dramatic but he’s really saved my life. I’m excited to be building things with him — and looking forward to seeing everything through to fruition.
Was nice seeing these people. My life feels rich once again. And I’m happy.
Earlier in the year I had a studio visit with Clair Gunther, who we’re doing a zine with and a large book. The later of which can be previewed in Compact Magazine #1.
Wow how perfect! Monday sounds great for coffee, maybe at Porcelain?
And Angela Fanche and I did a short little interview. She has a piece in Compact Magazine #2.
What do you think of Julie Doucet’s work? “Me & Night” transports me to 90’s alternative comics. Did you ever read comics by Tessa Brunton?
Can you tell me a bit about how this book was printed and bound? What is Cram Books?
Oh ya. I got married.